“And He said to me, “My GRACE is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect [ is seen, experienced, released] in weakness [when you admit and ask]” There for most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
2nd Corinthians 12:9
God is the source of Perfection; He is holy and pure. Because Jesus reunited us to God’s divine presence, we have the choice to receive his essence when we seek, ask, and receive it in faith.
How I experience His gifts in my human life, all day, every day, is a Paradox.
Gift 1. If I am willing to confess my deficits, needs, and fears with an open heart,
then He then can supply me with his courage.
Gift 2. If I am willing to accept my inability to solve problems, I can ask Him;
Then He will supply me with perspective, ideas, and wisdom in that area.
Gift 3. If I am willing to admit my lack of desire for Him, I can ask Him;
Then He enthusiastically will supply this hunger to me supernaturally.
Gift 4. If I am burdened with bitterness, resentment, and remorse, I can ask Him;
Then He will cleanse me and fill me with peace and joy.
Gift 5. If I am willing to confess I am alone & empty deep from within, I can ask Him;
Then He will fill me with real love, community, and purpose.
Gift 6. If I am blind, cold, and without self-esteem or self-worth, I can ask Him;
Then He will shine a light on me, revealing all that is good, warm and loveable.
Gift 7. If I confess my areas of self-absorption, self-pleasing, self-promotion, and self-admiration, I can ask him;
Then He delivers me from myself and reveals the value and needs of others.
Gift 8. If I am willing to admit my addictions, obsessions, or compulsions, I can ask Him;
Then He can deliver me and fill me with new life and freedom.
Gift 9. If I am consumed with insecurity, anxiety, and fear but admit these things control my life, I can ask Him;
Then He, a loving, patient, non-intrusive Father can calm me and fill me with significance and meaning.
Gift 10. If I can tell him about my pain of emotional, physical or sexual violations, I can ask Him for help;
Then He will rescue, cleanse, comfort, and heal me, giving me new life.
Gift 11. If I can admit I try to live each minute of each day on my own strength, choices, and vision, I can then ask Him for greater sight and clarity;
Then He will “open my eyes and mind” to things unseen and my world will be forever different.
Gift 12. If I can confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and Savior here on earth, I can ask him to forgive me of all my human deficits and sins;
Then and only then, will He forgive me, cleanse me, and accept me into His family, now and for ever. This is the greatest gift of all: Eternal Life.
Because of His Gift and Gifts, we can be thankful in all things.
Merry Christmas from all of us at South Charlotte Family Counseling!