Media from South Charlotte Family Counseling
When Bullying Kills: Recognizing Suicidal Signs and Knowing How to Help
When your children are being stimulated and rewarded at a rate which no other activity or interaction can compete with (besides hard core drugs) then why on earth would they be happy about stopping it to engage in boring chit chat or antiquated hobbies with their elders? Parents are facing a problem today, that no other generation has had to contend with.
How Can You Help Your Child When They Are a Victim of Bullying?
Nothing brings out the mama (or papa) bear in parents quite like learning someone has been hurting your child. In an instant, all reason goes out the window and we become determined to do whatever it might take to protect our little cub. That instinct is exactly why...
Is it bullying?
A kid shoved into a locker. Another tripped on the bus. Even the online profile set up specifically to catfish a teen. We all recognize these as examples of overt bullying; unwanted, aggressive behavior meant to take the bullying victim down. It’s behavior just about...
The Cure for Calmness – What you need to know about how tech may be affecting your child
When your children are being stimulated and rewarded at a rate which no other activity or interaction can compete with (besides hard core drugs) then why on earth would they be happy about stopping it to engage in boring chit chat or antiquated hobbies with their elders? Parents are facing a problem today, that no other generation has had to contend with.
Social Craze ‘3 AM Challenge’ Waking Kids Up at Night For ‘Likes’
CHARLOTTE, N.C. - Kids as young as kindergarteners are waking themselves up in the middle of the night and sneaking off, hoping to catch paranormal activity on camera. “That's really frightening as a parent,” said Debbie Breen, a licensed family counselor...
Have the Right Mindset This Holiday Season
Kids of any generation have undoubtedly heard the phrase “When I was a kid….” from parents, grandparents and almost any adult figure in their lives. I, myself heard it countless times from every teacher I ever had growing up. It’s a timeless rite of...
Failure can be an Effective Road to Learning!
When your children are being stimulated and rewarded at a rate which no other activity or interaction can compete with (besides hard core drugs) then why on earth would they be happy about stopping it to engage in boring chit chat or antiquated hobbies with their elders? Parents are facing a problem today, that no other generation has had to contend with.
Puberty – Resources for Parents
When your children are being stimulated and rewarded at a rate which no other activity or interaction can compete with (besides hard core drugs) then why on earth would they be happy about stopping it to engage in boring chit chat or antiquated hobbies with their elders? Parents are facing a problem today, that no other generation has had to contend with.
Puberty – How to have “The Big Talk” with your tween
When your children are being stimulated and rewarded at a rate which no other activity or interaction can compete with (besides hard core drugs) then why on earth would they be happy about stopping it to engage in boring chit chat or antiquated hobbies with their elders? Parents are facing a problem today, that no other generation has had to contend with.