by South Charlotte Family Counseling | Mar 8, 2018 | Articles, Children, Media
When your children are being stimulated and rewarded at a rate which no other activity or interaction can compete with (besides hard core drugs) then why on earth would they be happy about stopping it to engage in boring chit chat or antiquated hobbies with their elders? Parents are facing a problem today, that no other generation has had to contend with.
by South Charlotte Family Counseling | Dec 20, 2017 | Articles, Children
Even though we are approaching the winter months of school, your child could still be on an emotional roller-coaster from a bumpy start to the year.
by South Charlotte Family Counseling | Nov 28, 2017 | Media
Kids of any generation have undoubtedly heard the phrase “When I was a kid….” from parents, grandparents and almost any adult figure in their lives. I, myself heard it countless times from every teacher I ever had growing up. It’s a timeless rite of passage for adults...
by South Charlotte Family Counseling | Nov 1, 2017 | Children, Familes
How to coach your child to make the right choice. Limits are crucial to life. Acknowledging your child’s feelings helps them feel understood and develops their ability to identify emotions. Setting limits for your child is very important. As you may remember,...
by South Charlotte Family Counseling | Nov 1, 2017 | Children, Familes
Combined, a child diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder can have up to 18 symptoms and as little as 12 symptoms — That’s an exhausting list, literally speaking! ADHD is mentally and physically draining, not just for your developing child but for you; as well as other adults who interact with your child on a regular basis.