by Shannon Allain | Apr 22, 2016 | Technology
When your children are being stimulated and rewarded at a rate which no other activity or interaction can compete with (besides hard core drugs) then why on earth would they be happy about stopping it to engage in boring chit chat or antiquated hobbies with their elders? Parents are facing a problem today, that no other generation has had to contend with.
by Erin FitzGibbon | Apr 10, 2016 | Articles, Children, Media
When your children are being stimulated and rewarded at a rate which no other activity or interaction can compete with (besides hard core drugs) then why on earth would they be happy about stopping it to engage in boring chit chat or antiquated hobbies with their elders? Parents are facing a problem today, that no other generation has had to contend with.
by Leeanna Weideman | Apr 10, 2016 | Psychology of tweendom
When your children are being stimulated and rewarded at a rate which no other activity or interaction can compete with (besides hard core drugs) then why on earth would they be happy about stopping it to engage in boring chit chat or antiquated hobbies with their elders? Parents are facing a problem today, that no other generation has had to contend with.